Thursday, January 9, 2014

Introducing The Talent + Giveaway

This day is one we have been looking forward to and anticipated like Winnie does her walks.  We get to introduce the lovely ladies who are part of our creative team.  We call them The Talent because of their obvious talent and because they are essential to breathing life into our designs.  Their creativity, flair and ability make us and our little stamps jump for joy!

w&w Design Team Jan 2014

Now let's learn more about each of ladies:

Heather's bold clean style knocks us over.  Her use of color and pattern is simply gorgeous.  Yep, she's sensational.

Heather's blog: Witty Title Here

More about Heather:
1. Favorite snack(s) while creating: I don't usually eat, while creating, but I do keep my water bottle handy.
2. Color combo I can’t get enough of: I have so many favorite color combos, but lately I've been obsessed with gray and a pop of bright color.
3. On my desk/table right now is: A huge mess!
4. I excel at: Procrastinating. :)
5. When I craft I: watch tv/movies; listen to music; listen to the voices in my head; and/or prefer silence: I usually have Netflix or Pandora's 80s channel running in the background.
6. My favorite crafting companion: Our Australian Shepherd, Heston.
7. Don’t you dare take this away from me: White embossing powder!
8. My favorite crafting holiday/event: Christmas
9. My pictures are mostly of: My daughter, Lindsay, or nature/animals.
10. When I grow up I want to be: Old. :P


Joni could make a lump of coal beautiful.  She also does adorable.  Adorable and beautiful...what's not to love?  And we surely love the dazzling Ms. Andaya!       

Joni's blog: Papell with Love

More about Joni:
1. Favorite snack(s) while creating: skittles & walnuts
2. Color combo I can’t get enough of: pink, yellow, chartreuse, and aqua
3. On my desk/ table right now is: Different die-cut shapes and sizes
4. I excel at: Hmm… I am still trying to excel in many things, trying different things in regards on my designs. I don’t think I will ever be satisfied, since I always want to learn new things
5. When I craft I : Most of the time I watch movies and sometimes listen to Pandora. Though sometimes silence is appropriate too.
6. My favorite crafting companion: My laptop…browsing at Pinterest is a must!
7. Don’t you dare take this away from me: Cutting board
8. My favorite crafting holiday/event: I love Fall and Thanksgiving
9. My pictures are mostly of: Projects I’ve done
10. When I grow up I want to be: I will finally get my degree as a Software Engineer this coming February 2014. I would really want to combine designing and software in the future.


Kelly is a master at thinking outside the box and seeing the possibilities and making projects that make us marvel.  Give her a die and be amazed by what she makes.  Seriously awesome is what she is.

Kelly's blog: Notable Nest

More about Kelly:
1. Favorite snack(s) while creating: no food allowed in the craft room ... 1) I don't trust myself, and 2) I'm too wrapped up in crafting to eat
2. Color combo I can’t get enough of: gray/charcoal + a color; although seeing the way chocolate brown has gone, I probably shouldn't use gray so much
3. On my desk/table right now is: absolutely everything, with two release weeks back-to-back. Wire, a mason jar lid, scraps, wood veneer snowflakes that haven't managed to make their way onto a project yet, a remote for my new cd/i pod/radio player, my son's sock.
4. I excel at: math, and figuring out the quickest way to do something (unload the dishwasher, wait in line at Disney, make my Christmas cards, plan a route for errands)
5. When I craft I: watch tv/movies; listen to music; listen to the voices in my head; and/or prefer silence: listen to music ... Green Day, Metallica, Sting, Norah Jones, Pearl Jam, Dave Matthews, I can also do Pop Rock
6. My favorite crafting companion: My neighbor, Brenda! She's about 20 large steps away.
7. Don’t you dare take this away from me: Besides my family ... patterned paper, my Spyder coat and Ugg boots, my flea market purchases, my camera
8. My favorite crafting holiday/event: My friend Helen organizes card swaps (and a craft supply swap) with about 15 other ladies. It's so fun to be with people who understand how awesome the Silhouette is. I need to get them blogging though. Currently I'm the only one who does that.
9. My pictures are mostly of: My kids (candids, as they stopped posing for me many years ago), travels, and most recently my cards so I can post them on the blog
10. When I grow up I want to be: A well-traveled woman who knows how to knit and use the manual settings on her camera


Suzanne's work is a winning combination of striking simplicity and prettiness.  A fantastic sense of balance is really key in her delightful designs.  She's nothing short of rad. 

Suzanne's blog: Freshly Noted

More about Suzanne:
1. Favorite snack(s) while creating: M&Ms
2. Color combo I can’t get enough of: I love gray, gold, and pink lately.
3. On my desk/table right now is: All of my Winnie and Walter stamps!
4. I excel at: This was very hard for me to answer. I feel like I excel at thinking about everything I used to excel at when I was younger! I make a pretty mean lasagna though.
5. When I craft I: watch tv/movies; listen to music; listen to the voices in my head; and/or prefer silence: I listen to Pandora radio, and right now my favorite channel is Mumford & Sons. I also sing out loud. A lot.
6. My favorite crafting companion: My dog Teddy is almost always by my side, but in real life I've had the pleasure of meeting lots of crafty friends. I would love for any of them to visit anytime.
7. Don’t you dare take this away from me: A cup of coffee in the morning
8. My favorite crafting holiday/event: Christmas
9. My pictures are mostly of: My dog, Teddy, and trips that my husband and I take.
10. When I grow up I want to be: A few things would be fun: a good singer or a pet photographer or even getting a chance to wait tables again. So would winning the lottery. Or maybe I will turn perfectly wrinkly and white-haired enough that I could dress as Mrs. Claus during the holidays. But for now, I feel lucky to be in biostats.


Last, but certainly not least is Vanessa.  She can do sweet, she can do clean and simple, she can do layers, but no matter what she makes it always carries her innate grace and taste.  Glorious is how we like to describe her. 

Vanessa's blog: wings of a butterfly

More about Vanessa:
1. Favorite snack(s) while creating: Usually nothing - I am too clumsy and would get everything over my projects :)
2. Color combo I can’t get enough of: pink-aqua-red (especially for Valentine's Day)
3. On my desk/table right now is: Too much! It's such a mess...
4. I excel at: Making a mess
5. When I craft I: watch tv/movies; listen to music; listen to the voices in my head; and/or prefer silence: watch TV/Movies and listen to the voices in my head
6. My favorite crafting companion: Meg Ryan in one of her romantic movies (especially in You've Got Mail)
7. Don’t you dare take this away from me: My stamps
8. My favorite crafting holiday/event: Birthdays
9. My pictures are mostly of: My sweet Girl
10. When I grow up I want to be: A famous cardmaker

If you aren't familiar with The Talent you are in for a treat when you go to their blogs.  AND because we want to celebrate our good fortune with everyone we are having a very special giveaway. 


We are giving away a guest star spot for our Second Release in March.  This means one (1) lucky winner will receive the Second Release + will participate in the Second Release by having their projects featured here on the Winnie & Walter blog along with The Talent. 

Fine print: Please don't enter to win unless you are willing to:
  •  make at least one (1) project per stamp set for the Second Release;
  •  post your projects online (on your personal blog or an online gallery); and
  •  also participate in all the release festivities! 
The deadline to comment to win is 12:01 a.m. (central standard time) on January 15, 2014.

All winners during our Grand Opening Red Carpet Event will be announced on January 15, 2014.


  1. What a crazy talented group of designers! Can't wait to see your first release!!!!!

  2. Congratulations!! Can't wait to see all your beautiful projects!! Looking forward to the 15th!! :D

  3. Excellent talent you've booked!!! ;). Can't wait to see your stamps!

  4. Those are amazingly talented ladies. Looking forward to your first release :)

  5. Wonderful talent! I'm looking forward to seeing what's coming. Can't wait!

  6. I was drawn to your new blog by these talented ladies! Congrats on the grand opening and the excellent choice of DT!! Looking forward to the new exciting stamps and happenings!

  7. Sounds good and I´m looking forward to see the new stamps and the talent-ideas.

  8. Wow! Love these stampers. Congratulations on your venture.

  9. Hooray for the DT! Amazing talent!! I'm so happy for you. :)

  10. Congrats to those wonderful ladies! Looking forward to seeing more of their creations!

  11. Thank you so much, Julie and Shay, for inviting me to be a part of this. I am so excited to be a part of this, and with such talented ladies!

  12. What a fantastic team! This is going to be great! I can't wait to see what you come out with!!!

  13. Fabulous team! Congratulations, ladies! Can't wait to see what all this talent can do!

  14. What a fabulous team! Very well chosen!

  15. Yay! What an awesome new team! Thanks so much for the chance, this would be so amazing!!!

  16. Fantastic team! Looking forward to their creations! Would be so cool to win a guest DT spot!

  17. I've been following Kelly for quite a while. She is a great asset to any design team and I'd love the chance to design with her.

  18. Love to read about this talent ladies. I'm always looking for inspiration I will be looking for their projects. And of course it would be awesome to win a guest spot.

  19. holy smokes! what a fun surprise! YOU have one Rock Star design team and can't wait until January 15th!

  20. Great lineup of talent! I'm looking forward to seeing the new images and how they're used by these very creative people.

  21. Exciting and talented group of ladies. I can't wait to experience the creativity of the talent with your products. You are all so talented, I anxiously await to see what you come up with! Best Wishes,


  22. Wow, what a line up ... can't wait for the show to start!

  23. What an awesome team! I can't wait for the festivities to begin! :)

  24. congratulations to the DT.. these ladies are full of talent and can't wait to see what they create.. YAY

  25. How awesome and what a great DT! Can't wait to see what they create.

  26. These are some awesome designers and can't wait to be inspired. What a neat prize to be chosen as a Guest Designer!!!

  27. How exciting! Love the awesome talent and can't wait to see more!

  28. Would adore the chance to guest design with this awesome team ... can't wait to see the new release.

  29. What a group of rock stars! Anyone would be thrilled to design alongside these peeps, I know I would be!

  30. What an amazing team! I would love the opportunity to create alongside these amazing designers! I look forward to what you all have in store!

  31. Congrats to you and I love your team, Wow! Thank you also for the opportunity to win! :)

  32. What a great idea! I can't wait to see the ideas that these lovely ladies come up with!

  33. What an amazing team! Can't wait to see the first creations!

  34. Congrats on your new stamp line - can't wait to see them. You are off to a great start with this creative team.

  35. What a crazy talented team you've got! Love these ladies' work and can't wait to see them use your new products.

  36. What a fantastic team of designers!!! Looking forward to seeing your new line of stamps and the first DT's sample projects!!!

  37. What a talented team! Can't wait to see the stamps and the DT projects!

  38. Wow, amazing talent here! Thank you for the chance to win a Guest Spot! :)

  39. great line up! excited to learn about your new stamp company. How fun.....bring on the samples!

  40. Congratulations to you all!!! You got the best!! I can't wait to see what is in store from these wonderful talented ladies!!

  41. Wow! These are some great names and I can't wait to see the stamps and what the designers do! Congrats!

  42. These designers are all so amazingly talented!

  43. You have made some of the best choices for a DT!!! Congrats!!! Excited to see what you will be releasing!!!

  44. What a fantastic group of gals. Most I already follow, but those I didn't, well, I do now. Can't wait to see all that you have to offer.

  45. Well I've been under a rock (one called holidays I guess). What an AWESOME lineup - love all these ladies and their different styles. Great team. It would be wonderful to join them for a month.

  46. An absolutely amazing line-up of ladies - you have chosen well!! The first sets look amazing so I would love to get a guest spot!!

  47. Looking forward to all the fabulous projects! Glad I heard about the launch, how exciting! Big congrats!
    Would love the opportunity to GD.

  48. WOW, awesome design team! Love everyone's unique and fabulous style!

  49. Amazing design team! I'd love a chance to work with your stamps as a guest designer!

  50. Wow - you've put together an awesome team!

  51. What a great team you have lined up here! Just saw the cute envies on Kelly's blog post! I'd love to work with your stamps and team for a month!

  52. you have really assembled a stamping dream team!!! looking forward to seeing more!

  53. Amazingly Talented team!!! Love these ladies!!!

  54. Fabulous team! I follow some of their blogs and can't wait to see what they bring to the table.

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Your comments make Winnie's and Walter's tails wag in happiness. If you are commenting for a giveaway it is really helpful if you include your email address or that your Blogger or Google account includes a way to email you. :-)