Wednesday, August 16, 2017

One in a Melon with Kelly

Hi Folks! Today I'm sharing a fun card inspired by the most recent edition of The Gossip Column by Winnie & Walter's own Taheerah Atchia. Each month Taheerah puts her heart into researching the latest trends and then interprets them in a fun and inviting way for us all to enjoy. This month she turned the spotlight on fruit, and created a wonderfully watercolored watermelon card using Scenery: Spotty Creative Screening for the seeds. I fell in love with it and wanted to make one as well.

This version uses the Scenery: Spotty Creative Screening on red vellum for the seeds. I was able to find all the small words in The Big, the Bold and Baby set and piece them together. The large alpha stamps are from Typecast: Cary which is currently on sale!

Like the actual rind of a watermelon, I wanted the large letters to be several different shades of green. Not sure why, but in my head the green part of a watermelon slice is thick and the white part is thin, when in reality the proportions are reversed. So I just inked a thin margin of green along the bottom of the card. Just for fun I made another red vellum section for the inside of the card, and will plan to write my message on the very bottom of the card.

Taheerah loves to style the heck out of her photos, so I thought I'd put the leftover watermelon slices from my son's sleepover this weekend to use. Unfortunately, I had already taken all the seeds out since I was serving these to the kids, so they don't photograph as beautifully, but I suppose there's a charm in that too when you know the story behind them!

Thanks so much for looking today, and a big thank you to Taheerah for wowing us with her Gossip Column feature each month! Don't forget, there are two weeks remaining to make your own fruity concoction and enter this month's contest!





  1. Such a fun card! Love the bold design and the letters in different greens.

  2. Oh my goodness--you are just too clever! What a great card!

  3. Love this Kelly and I agree, Taheerah is creatively amazing! ~HUGS~

  4. Perfect summer fun, Taheerah! This is amazeballs!


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