Monday, August 21, 2017

Instagram Mega Sponsor Giveaway

2017  summer IG Hop 2 LOGO copy

17 sponsors have collaborated together to create an Instagram Mega Sponsor Giveaway! Combined total prize value is over $500! We will be giving away 17 prizes to 17 lucky winners!

Go to your Instagram account to enter. You MUST complete each step in order to enter (we will be checking!)

1) LIKE the post
2) FOLLOW each sponsor
3) Comment at each stop

For bonus entries:
4) You can tag friends (one friend per line) at each stop
5) Repost with #2017MSIGHop

Contest goes until Friday, Sept 1 with winners announced on Friday, Sept 8 at noon EST.

Here are all the participating sponsors and their prizes:

1) DeNami Design @denamidesign $30 online certificate
2) Concord & 9th @concordand9th $30 online certificate
3) Flora & Fauna @florafaunaclear $30 online certificate
4) Our Daily Bread Designs @ourdailybreaddesigns $30 online certificate
5) Technique Tuesday @techniquetuesday $30 online certificate
6) Lawn Fawn @lawnfawn $30 online certificate
7) Winnie and Walter @winnieandwalter $30 online certificate
8) Avery Elle @averyellestamps $30 online certificate
9) Taylored Expressions @tayloredexpressions $30 online certificate
10) Reverse Confetti @reverseconfetti $30 online certificate
11) Impression Obsession @iostamps $30 online certificate
12) Pink and Main @pinkandmain $30 online certificate
13) Doodlebugswa @doodlebugswa $50 Summer Prize Package
14) Impress @impresscardsandcrafts $30 online certificate
15) Art Impressions @artimpressions $30 online certificate
16) Ellen Hutson LLC @ellenhutsonllc $30 online certificate
17) Pretty Pink Posh @prettypinkposh $30 online certificate

Good luck!


  1. Yikes!! What a fabulous array of sponsors and prizes!!! I'm on my way...
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com


Your comments make Winnie's and Walter's tails wag in happiness. If you are commenting for a giveaway it is really helpful if you include your email address or that your Blogger or Google account includes a way to email you. :-)