Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rerun No. 27 | The Party with Crystal (Video)


Hello lovelies!

Did you know we extended the deadline to participate in Rerun No. 27 featuring The Party challenge and giveaway until the end of February?

Crystal, our newest addition to The Talent, will be sharing videos monthly and started by creating a video to highlight The Party:

Speaking of challenges join us tomorrow when our 4th Birthday Bash begins with our month-long challenges!



  1. Great video by Crystal and super fun card! Love all the colors. I also like the addition of the silver thread for extra dazzle.

    So excited for February at Winnie & Walter!!!! Yay!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  2. Oh, I love birthdays. Happy Happy. Hugz

  3. Such a pretty and fun creation! Love the placing of sequins too with silver thread for more textures!
    Yayyy! Can't wait now for the next month!

  4. Super cute card :) thanks for the awesome tutorial. And yay! happy birthday.

  5. Looking forward to an inspirational February with W&W. Thanks for sharing the technique video.

  6. Oh my goodness !! Can’t wait to be tomorrow !!!

  7. I've been counting down the days--can't wait! Thanks for the extension--gotta get something made soon!

  8. WOW.. Awesome video Crystal..... And Happy birthday to W&W.. Hugs xx Deepti


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