Wednesday, January 7, 2015

CHA Watch Out...Julie & Shay Will Be There!

Julie and Shay are going to Anaheim this year for the very first time.  They will not be exhibiting w&w wares this time around, but being tourists oohing and awing over all the new products.  If you are attending and wish to meet them, they would *love* to meet you!  Follow us on Instagram (#wwCHA2015) to follow along on their adventure or to track them down. lol  

Speaking of Instagram now until Sunday, January 11th 11:59 pm CST we have a giveaway to celebrate over 1000 members in our w&w InstaFamily!  Yay!  Tag as many friends until then on the giveaway image on Instagram.

While Julie and Shay are gone, the dogs will play be in charge.  As much as we wish Walter and Winnie were hands-on go-getters they simply aren't.  We are afraid emails to us, shipping and all else will be effected.
PLEASE NOTE: that since Julie and Shay will be tourists at the CHA 2015 Show, Winnie will not be able to ship any orders from Thursday, January 8th - Tuesday, January 13th.  All orders placed before 9:00 p.m. CST on Wednesday, January 7th will ship before Julie and Shay leave for Anaheim.  All orders placed during the time when Winnie sleeps and plays 24/7 takes over the shipping department will ship beginning Wednesday, January 14th. Winnie very much appreciates your patience during the time she has sole responsibility over shipping. :-) 


  1. Whoot whoot! it's going to the dogs!! Go Winnie and Walter! :D

  2. Have F U N Julie & Shay!!!

    We will keep Winnie & Walter distracted while you're away :)

  3. Have fun and be inspired! Take heaps of photos!

  4. LOL. LOVE your post. Have a good week Winnie! HAHA

  5. CHA will be a blast! Have fun!

  6. You will have so much fun. I can't imagine how fabulous it would be to meet all the people who I see on the blogs I follow in person. And my credit card would be running for its life, I wouldn't be able to stop shopping!! One day......

  7. Hope you had fun at CHA...sure you did.


Your comments make Winnie's and Walter's tails wag in happiness. If you are commenting for a giveaway it is really helpful if you include your email address or that your Blogger or Google account includes a way to email you. :-)