Sunday, February 1, 2015

January Release Winners Revealed!

Hello everyone!  We are so excited to share the names of the January Release Winners with you!

Winner of The Big, the Bold and Party stamp set + The Big, the Bold and Party Cutaways The Big, the Bold and You Cutaways


Winner of  Scenery: Stripes stamp set Essentials: Katharine Cutaways In a Word Cutaways


Winner of Sugar Rush stamp set Sparkle stamp set Big Bang Confetti Cutaways The Party Confetti Cutaways + a limited edition w&w 1st Birthday Bash Sequin Mix by Pretty Pink Posh


Winner of Scenery: The Party Hangover + The Party + Goldie Trim Cutaways + Lulu Fringe Cutaway


Winner of The BIG Giveaway (That's all five (5) stamp sets + the free with purchase stamp set + coordinating cut files + cutaways + the limited edition 1st Birthday Bash Sequin Mix!!)


Congratulations to all of the winners!  We are looking forward to seeing your creations!!!

A big thank you to all of you who commented.  We really enjoy reading your comments and compliments! You are so kind and we are happy to have you in the w&w family. We appreciate your support more than we can say.

We {heart} you!

Winnie, Walter, Shay and Julie

All winners please email info{at} winniewalter {dot} com within 72 hours to claim your prizes.


  1. Yahoo for my friend Becca Cruger!!!! You lucky girl!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. CONGRATS ladies!!! Looking forward to some more FABULOUS W&W inspiration in blogland :)

  4. WooHoo!!
    Thank you so very, very much! 😃

  5. *** C O N G R A T S *** to All the WINNERS!!! E N J O Y !!! (Y)

  6. CONGRATULATIONS Maria, Becca, Liz, Michelle & Isha!!!
    Wishing you ALL WONDERFULLY CREATIVE times with your new W&W goodies!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS on having such a SERIOUSLY AWESOME release on your 1st Birthday!!!

  7. Congrats to all the very happy winners!

  8. Major happy dance happening here! Yippie. Congrats to the other luckies too. And thanks for a great party!

  9. Yay! Doing a happy dance! Thank you so much Julie and Shay for bringing out so nany inspiring products. Congrats to other winners too. Happy birthday once again W&W!

  10. Congrats to all the winners you lucky ladies and have fun with all these awesome goodies.

  11. Will you all please come by with your new goodies? I'd love to play cards with you all and your W&W goodies... congrats!!
    =] Michele

  12. Yahoo for all the winners...Becca, Isha and the others I don't know.

  13. Wow! Congrats to all the winners!

  14. Congrats Winner !! Enjoy the yummy goodies !:)

  15. Congrats everyone and particularly Maria and Isha!! x

  16. Congratulations to all B day kids. Kids very happy to celebrate any party or get the gifts like baby toys, other gadgets etc

  17. Assuming you are thinking about what to purchase your preschooler for Christmas, you might need to investigate a portion of the extraordinary "play doh sets" and "activity" toys and games that are discounted. Chances are, assuming you are purchasing something this Christmas for a preschooler, that they would be excited about action toys, and couldn't imagine anything better than to play with something that spins around these topics.


Your comments make Winnie's and Walter's tails wag in happiness. If you are commenting for a giveaway it is really helpful if you include your email address or that your Blogger or Google account includes a way to email you. :-)